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The History of the New Life Restoration Ministries


There are some things that happen in life that we must say, “God did it”!  

The birth of the New Life Restoration Ministries (NLRM) is a prime example.  Here is our story.


In June 2019, Deaconess Pamela Caple asked the Lord, through prayer, if He would open the doors for her to teach a Bible Study class.  As she waited to hear from the Lord, she began preparing to teach in her home for a maximum of 10 women. God spoke to her about her plans by explaining that she would teach, but it would not be in her home and not to put a limit on the number of people who will attend.  He said that He would provide a place and He would send the students.  A few weeks later Pam spoke with a neighbor who said that her church council wanted to open it’s doors to the community for ministry.  They advised her neighbor to reach out to Pam to see if she needed space in their church for ministry.  God did it!  The invitation was accepted to teach the Gospel of John Bible study class in that church.  Pamela immediately contacted Reverends Michael and Phyllis Addison and asked if the Married Mates Ministry, Inc., a non-profit organization, would be interested in teaching a Bible class for couples.  They wholeheartedly agreed!!


The Bible study classes began on Wednesday, January 8, 2020.  The Gospel of John class was taught by Chaplin Morris Caple and Deaconess Pamela Caple and the couple’s class was taught by the Reverends Michael and Phyllis Addison.  More than 50 people regularly attended the Wednesday night classes.  The students and the teachers grew both spiritually and numerically. God did it! He provided the place and the people. 


In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic ravaged the entire world and more than 180,000 people in the United States died from the terrible virus.  All of the churches were ordered to close by the state and federal government.  Though it was a devastating time for the churches, God opened the door for our Bible study ministry to prosper and continue to grow through the use of Zoom, an online computer program.


On April 1, 2020, we held our first online Bible Study classes.  The classes grew exponentially!  We were able to reach students far beyond the number of students we had in the church building.  The classes included students from various churches located in Baltimore, Delaware Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Iowa and the United States Virgin Islands.


On April 5, 2020, the Lord led us to organize the 10:30 a.m. online Married Mates Sunday Worship Experience.  Despite the inability to worship together physically, we worshipped the Lord mightily.  The preached Word was delivered by various preachers and lives were changed.


In May 2020, Reverend Phyllis Addison believed that God was calling us to establish a church.  After continuous prayer and fasting the calling was confirmed. The New Life Restoration Ministries was organized and officially established on May 21, 2020.   On May 31, 2020, we launched the first worship experience as the newly created, New Life Restoration Ministries Worship Experience.  God did it! 


The charter leadership team was Rev. Michael Addison, Senior Pastor -- Rev. Phyllis Addison, Pastor -- Chaplin Morris Caple, Executive Administrator -- Deaconess LaJoyce Ray, Executive Assistant -- Deaconess Pamela D. Caple, Director of Christian Education -- Deaconess Andrea Jones, Assistant Director of Christian Education -- Minister Willie Ray, Technical Advisor -- Deacon Anthony Prater, Deacon Chair -- Deaconess Gwendolyn Prater and Brother Corey Jones. 


By December 31, 2020, our fellowship grew to include the following persons as our charter members.  Those persons were James and Bertha Christian, Sadie Harris, Jasmine Johnson, James and Gail Jones, Dylan Jones and Jacquetta Garrison, Deacon Harold and Deaconess Suzette Parham, Robinn Brown, Shelia East, Rufus Kwenah, Guy Locklear, Ernestine Jones, Kimberly Radney-Yandel, Barbara Bolling, Wil Jackson, Carol Blackwell, DeAra Addison-Ellerbe.


Th NLRM continues to grow and to seek the Holy Spirit for guidance.  Numerous ministries have been established to help meet the needs of the congregation and the community, such as, the Daughters of the King women’s ministry, Prayer ministry, Disciples of Christ men’s ministry, Bible Study classes for children, teens, young adults and adults.


In January 2021 the ministry partnered with John Hopkins for a COVID Study, we also was invited by Bloomberg News of New York to contribute to an article and Photoshoot of our Pastors receiving their vaccine.  In May the ministry celebrated its One Year Anniversary.  In August we were privileged to license two persons to the Ministerial Staff -- Ministers Morris and Pamela Caple.


The New Life Restoration Ministries story continues to grow!  We will listen as God speaks to the heart of His people.  We know that God will do exceedingly, abundantly, above all we are able to ask or think. The best is yet to come. 


Matthew 28:19-20 / Acts 2:42

"Reaching Beyond the Walls"




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